Friday, June 5, 2015


Home just a week since finishing the HWY 395 ride.  Needed to catchup.  From wind in my face to staring at a computer screen.  What a change.
Editing, processing, reviewing notes, writing, editing, editing, editing.  We were on a very short turn around time for HOG.  Finished the story, but not without the incredible help from Nancy.  She rocks!  Uploaded the photos.  Sent the word doc.  The creative team at HOG took it from there.   Just received the final layout which will be on the press Monday.  What a Friday.  It is beautiful!

Waiting for my flight at the Spokane airport I called Nancy and asked her what should I call the story.  “Wet and Wicked” she said.  She’s from Boston and when she’s says something is wicked it means awesome, and that’s exactly what the ride was. 

Kickstand down Santa Fe...not for long!

be strong, be safe, Carlan