Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Tribute to Chuck Berry
Tune in Friday March 24 at 11 am MT to KMRD 96.9 or streaming at to Talon's Tips and Tales for a tribute to the founding father of rock 'n' roll.  Stories, music, and a history of the man who put the rock 'n' roll in music.

be strong, be safe, Talon

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tune into Talon's Tips and Tales

My good brother Ken Wolverton, and incredible artist in Madrid, gave me the green light to use a photo I made of his amazing KMRD sign for our new radio show.  Thanks Ken!

Tune in tomorrow March 10 at 11 am MST.  Live interview with Greg MacGregor.  In 1980 Greg created the photography program at California State University, Berkeley.  He has been photographing non-stop since 1968.  During that time he has published four books and has had eighty exhibits.  His photographs deal with both fine art and documentary.  Greg carries with him over 60 years of riding motorcycle of all makes and models.  He has some amazing stories to share.  You don't want to miss it!

Remember you can stream the show live at

be strong, be safe, Carlan...aka Talon 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Moto-Photo Radio : Talon's Tips and Tales

What a ride!  If you missed Talons Tips and Tales today on KMRD today, you can listen to the recorded show by clicking here.  Thanks very much to all the folks around the country who listened in via the live stream on KMRD-FM.  BIG shout out to all of you!  Stay tuned for next week's program!   Set your calendars for Talon's Tips and Tales Friday's 11a.m. MST.

be strong, be safe, Carlan

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Moto-Photo Radio

Hey all you folks out there in cyberland!  Here's the latest news from RIDE NEW MEXICO.
Launching this Friday March 3 Moto-Photo Radio airs live every Friday at 11:00 a.m. MST.  Tune to KMRD FM-LP 96.9 Madrid, NM for Talon's Tips and Tales From the Seat of My Motorcycle.  Carlan's, aka Talon, hour-long program shares credos from the road sprinkled with photo tips, live interviews and much, much more.  KMRD streams live around the world at  Tune in and hold on for the ride!

be strong, be safe, Carlan