Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Low Rider

In 1977 Willie G designed the Low Rider.  Using a Sportster front end mated to a Dyna frame the Low Rider was the first custom bike designed by Harley-Davidson.  It proved to be an overnight success.

When the Low Rider was re-introduced this year as a 2014 1/2 model it carried much of the original DNA of the 1977 model along with some very well designed and thought out improvements.

If you have been following the blog you know I had the opportunity to ride this beauty from Kansas City, MO to Sacramento, CA on the HWY50 assignment for HOG.  And ride it I did!  From the first moment of swinging my leg over the bike, putting up the stand, and hitting the start switch I was hooked.  On the Low Rider you don't sit on the bike, you sit in the bike.  After 2200 miles of twisty mountain roads, long straight endless pavement, rain soaked two lane, stop and go city traffic, freeway madness, I knew the Low Rider was a unique ride.

Ok...cut to the chase.  Last week I called Paul Westbrook at Barnett's Las Cruces HD.  Over the years Paul has worked with me on all my Harleys.  An incredible guy to say the least.  After a short chat we came to a quick agreement.  
I rode down to Las Cruces and rode back on a new Low Rider.  Kim Barnett on the left owner of Barnett's, me or course with the BIG smile on my face, and my great friend Paul along with the HOG story.  Thanks Barnett's!

Stay tuned.  This is just the beginning of the story...or stories to follow.  The Low Rider will be on the road along with my camera sharing more of America's "Blue Highways", people, and places in 2015.

live free, ride free, Carlan

HOG 28
If you are a HOG member, you should have found HOG 28 in your mail box in the past week or so.  Our HWY50 - Backbone of America story is included as an eight page feature along with the cover shot of the Low Rider in the Great Basin area of Nevada.  The editorial / design team at HOG did an incredible job on the layout and story.  It was a tough edit on the photos and they really pulled it together.  A BIG THANK YOU to all the creative team!

live free, ride free, Carlan